So I was listening to the new M83 album today titled "Hurry up were dreaming". M83 is a French musician named Anthony Gonzalez and he is largely inspired by the 80s. The song "Midnight City" came on and I immediately started bopping my head. The heavy use of re-verb and vintage synthesizers definitely projects a sense of nostalgia, which is why I love this album so much. Any Whom I started to think about the 80's even though I was born a couple years after the decade ended. I started to think about how cool it would have been to be a teenager growing up and watching the thriller video for the first time, or hearing the birth of Techno music. I can’t help but feel that there is a part of me that romanticizes a decade that I was never part of, but a lot of my favourite music are from the 80s or was inspired by it, and many of my favourite movies are from that decade as well such as the "Breakfast Club" or the "Karate Kid" . I can certainly make do without the fashion sense, for instance the spandex or the leg warmers everybody seemed to be rocking, but I guess it was a time to be outrageous, and wild. Any ways as I listened to the rest of M83s album, if someone would have told me the song titled "Steve Mcqueen" was from 1982 I would have believed them, Anthony captured the essence of so many things I have only been able to experience from watching movies or looking at a photograph from the past, he was able to paint a picture and took his listeners to a "dream" like state as the title of the album suggested. Some of the stand out songs included "Midnight City", "Reunion", and "New Map".