A Lesson I Learned In Life
Its always those bright sunny days, the trees are bright green, you can hear the ice cream truck in the close distance, everyone is having a good time, and I think to myself what can go wrong? Its difficult to single out one life lesson I have learned, but one particular lesson I have carried with me through out the years is that things very rarely go the way you want them to. Life is very unpredictable and you never know what is going to come around the corner. You should definitely carry yourself with confidence, but always be ready for disappointment, even from people that are dearest to you. My parents divorced when I was 12 years old, I very seldom saw my dad after that, but he always kept in touch, usually around the holiday months. One particular Halloween I recall he had promised to take me to Fright Night, when the day came around I didn't hear a word from him. I don't know what came over me, but I continued effortlessly to dial his cell phone number, only to get the same answering machine message. After that day, I realized that even your parents break promises, I always knew he wasn't perfect, but from than on he continued to go back on his words and I rarely saw him again, even on holidays. At first I wasn't prepared for the disappointment,and now that I think back the endless calls made me seem desperate and desolate, but I was a kid and ill never know if someone was on the other side of that cellphone ignoring my calls, or maybe he had something more important to do. Although I do know now to expect the worst and hope for the best, its kind of like wearing your seat belt driving head onto a light pole at 100 miles per hour, if your protected, the inevitable impact wont be as harsh.
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